Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Greatest act of Love

So one of the prompts this week with Get Messy Art Journal has to do with the greatest act of love.  When I read the words, I could think of nothing that could top Jesus dying on the cross for US.

Immediately, I knew that I wanted to watercolor an image of Jesus' feet nailed to the cross.

I spent the whole day kicking ideas around my head of other embellishments or techniques that I could add to the page.  I kept coming up short.  No matter what, everything that I imagined would take away from the message, instead of add to it.

As I sat down to work on the page, I thought...something will come to me as I work on it.  Still, there I was, done with the watercolor, and nothing came.  That was when I decided that this was one of those times where less really was more.  

Thank you Lord for everything you've done for me.


The Get Messy Art Journal Program grew out of two ordinary girls desire to actually use the classes and inspiration they were finding on the internet.  Get Messy is a community where we learn together. We don’t claim to be experts. Just passionate about this way of expressing ourselves. We are growing Get Messy into an organized, curated collection of art journaling resources, inspiration, accountability, and community. This is a place to share your pages and discover new artists. It is a place to ask, to share, to grow, to support, and to be supported.  Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this. It's so easy to think "more is best" when it comes to art journaling, but sometimes the less there is on a page the better the aesthetics.
